Saturday, February 21, 2015

All Healed up!

Don’t you hate it when you cut your hand or fingers in the kitchen when you are making dinner for your family.  It stinks because you have to stop what you are doing to clean everything up, and get yourself some bandages before you can even finish a preparing for a meal.  It stinks even more when you realize that your kids have used all the band-aids and there is no antibiotic cream to be found.  Then you realize, “Oh wait,  I have that cool Premium Starter Kit from Young Living Essential’s and I can see if any of this will help!” 

Yes, that is what happened to me a couple of days ago.  I was trying to pry a lid off that was stuck because of a junkie can opener.  Ugh,  and to make it worse, Bobby had just told me a few minutes prior when we saw me doing the same thing with another can "you are going to slice your hand open if you are not careful!"  Seriously,  why don't we listen and obey that voice of warning the LORD sends.  :-(


When I went to a class last fall.  I was told a story about a puncture wound that was helped and healed with lavender oil.  They said just one drop made a huge difference in the pain level immediately. 

I know honestly, my cut was quite painful.  It was not childbirth, or a migraine, yet what I was feeling in my hand, was excessively unpleasant.  In fact, so much blood was coming out,  I was worried I was going to need stiches, and even feeling a little whoosie.  I washed my hand out for several seconds under running water, and applied pressure behind the cut to reduce the blood flow slightly.  So I covered it with a clean paper towel to slow blood flow, and went for my kit. 
I opened the bottle and placed 1 drop of  YL Lavender on the cut.  Immediately my pain reduced.  Not a few minutes later, yes IMMEDIATELY!  (Okay, I have to break in here to say that Lavender is called the "Swiss Army Knife" of oils.  LOL, yep a knife to fix the knife cut ) I was quite surprised by this, but knew pain was not my only concern.  I knew that infection was Highly likely since I had been preparing supper with the same knife that sliced open my hand. 

Now I’m sure some of you are wondering about just how big was the gash anyway?   It was actually a filet knife, super sharp, but thank GOD, not very wide.  So the cut was actually deeper than it was wider. We looked at the knife and figured from where we could tell the knife went it,  it was around 1/2  inch deep at the point, tapering back.  Considering it was right between the flesh at the base of two of my fingers,  I am just thankful it didn’t hit bone!  It was just as concerning, since I knew that any partial of debris or bacteria could have ended up inside my muscle tissue and create a nasty infection.  I didn’t want that to happen, so I put away the lavender and went for my next bottle.

I got out the Melaleuca (tea tree oil) that is my little anti-fungal, anti-microbial, antibacterial wonder.  This stuff is amazing.  There is lots more I have used this for, but now I wanted to see how it would do in the place of antibacterial cream I usually get from the drug store and apply to all my kids scrapes, and cuts, and small wounds.  1 drop is what I placed straight on top of the wound, and pulled the skin apart slightly so that I could make sure it got inside of the flesh as far as it could go.

By this time, my husband had the every trusty band aid ready.  I wiped away the extra oil away from  sides so the band aid would stick.  Suddenly I realized that the Lavender had not only caused my pain to diminish, but it has seemed to help with the
coagulation, too.  I don’t know,  I don’t cut my finger everyday.  However, it is definitely something I’ll start asking around about, and seeing if others experienced the same thing.

Anywho,  I pulled back the bandage about 3 more times between then and bed to apply 1 drop of Lavender and 1 drop of Melaleuca.  I wrapped my hand so it the bandage would stay in place over night.  The next morning I was very surprised at what I saw.
  No redness at all.  Not a true scab like I have seen before, but rather it was a small thin line, almost like the skin was just barely sliced with a razor.  I saw some blueness underneath the cut, no doubt from where the muscle  underneath had been cut and was bruising.  I was pleased to see nothing red, and honestly not even pink that even would have hinted to infection.  I placed one drop of lavender on then, and a couple of more times whenever I was washing my hands and the bandaid would wet and loosen and needed to have a new one applied. 

I wish I had taken a picture from the beginning and through the progress.    I know that I will never hesitate to grab the camera next time for sure!  However, that being said,  here is how my hand looks now

Pretty healthy looking for a 3 day old cut that could have possibly used a stitch! 

Now some of you might be like Gru's mom,  you are thinking

  "Ey, what's the big deal, I can heal that quick too."  Well to me it is a big deal.  See I'm a slow healer.  My mom is a slow healer, my grandfather is a slower healer, and I hear it said, so was his mom.  I know this is the quickest I have ever healed from a cut like this as long as I can remember in my adult life!

I’m sincerely so thankful for these oils.  GOD has given me away to help my family get well and stay well without so many trips to the drug store.   One more bottle, well actually, one bottle and one tube in my medicine cabinet was replaced by my oils today.  I wonder just how many more bottles I’ll replace over the coming months.  :-)

And... the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. Ezekiel 47:12

Disclaimers and Warnings


The information contained on this website is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  The information represents what I, an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal health and that of my family.  Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products.

Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. Individual articles and information on other websites are based upon the opinions of the respective authors, who retain copyright as marked.


Through the use of affiliate links on this site, we may collect fees from purchases made.


You will most likely collect happiness and more health for your family for your choice to relinquish these fees ;-) 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hot Flashes anyone?

Are "Hot Flashes" getting you hot under the collar?
The Today Show had a segment on this morning talking about hot flashes. Many of you may not be surprised to know that the study said Hot Flashes can last for over 14 years of our life. Have mercy, talk about the effects of the curse! :-)

This reminded me of a friend I was visiting the other day...

 We were speaking about how much we loved using our oils, and a guest spoke up and said, "Do you have anything for hot flashes?" I told her a little about balancing her hormones with Progessence Plus or Bergamot, and as I was talking she started fanning. I said, "Oh, you mean like right now?!" She is fanning more and says, I'm on fire." So I told her, well, my first guess is Peppermint, but let me check the EDR. Sure enough, when I checked, it was the first recommendation.

We applied 2 drops to the back of her neck, and I along with everyone in the room was amazed by the results! Not only did it start cooling her down immediately, but she even tasted the peppermint inside of her mouth. You could honestly even smell it on her breath. A wonderful example of how powerful these oils really are, and how important it is to take into consideration which company you trust enough to apply oils to your skin with!

Peppermint is a gem!

 I have lots more information to share with you about it later. Today though, I wanted to share this as a way to encourage you if you are having issues with hormonal imbalances. I'm excited about what GOD is teaching me with the oils, and I hope they excite you too!

Blessings to you all for a "Cooler" yet not too cold, and safe day!

Ezekiel 47:12 And...the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Cost of Essential Oils

What about the Cost?

This weekend I had a wonderful Oiling In HIM class with my Young Living Essential Oils team.  I had some though who couldn’t invest in the Premium Starter kit due to expenses their family had.  I also had some that were considering whether investing in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit  was really the best use of the money their family had now.  This made me consider the true costs related to how we used the items inside this kit. 

This starter kit includes 11 bottles of essential oil, 10 sample packets of essential oil, 2 sample packets of Ningxi Red supplement, 1 home diffuser, & a free reference guide from me, plus a 24% wholesale discount on all of your products.  I started researching and found some numbers that might be of great interest for someone thinking of taking the plunge with Young Living Oils. The cost once broken down should pleasantly surprise you.

First, let’s break down the cost of applying essential oils to the skin…

Each 5-ml bottle of essential oil in the Premium Starter Kit contains about 80 drops of oil on average. When you apply oils topically to the skin (for an adult) you typically use 1-3 drops of oil at a time (less is more in the oiling world). This means that…

  • 1 drop of essential oil per application = about 80 applications per 5-ml bottle.
  • 2 drops of essential oil per application = about 40 applications per 5-ml bottle
  • 3 drops of essential oil per application = about 25 applications per 5-ml  bottle

So even though each essential oil has SEVERAL uses, I chose to make a list of uses with a generalized cost analysis for each oil in the Premium Starter Kit  when using 1 drop of oil per use:

  • Lemon:  drink in water to help prevent Kidney stones for $0.04
  • Peppermint: for indigestion only $0.08
  • PanAway: relieve occasional tension and sore muscles for $0.40
  • Lavender: get a better nights rest for: $0.09
  • Purification: soothe bug bites and burns for $0.07
  • Thieves: support the immune system for $0.13
  • Stress Away: reduce stress and tension for $0.11
  • Citrus Fresh: curb appetite for $0.06
  • Melaleuca: help to clear non-cystic acne for $0.10
  • Joy: uplift your mood and get emotional balance for $0.15
  • Frankincense: improve your concentration for $0.29

One oil that my family has used so much this winter is Thieves.  I'm in fact, I am currently using it to treat a respiratory virus running through our family.  I was so pleased when I read the other day that I can put 1 drop of Thieves on my family's feet each day to help raise their immune system function.  $0.13 is a small price to pay, and 1 application of Thieves is only 15-30% the cost of most of your common cold medicines or even the Immune Boost -“C” products we see in the drug stores!


Are you wanting to use the oils to make your home smell better? 

Then let’s break down the cost of diffusing essential oils and show you how it’s cheaper than a super nice candles from the bath and candle stores.

·         I use 5-6 drops of essential oil each time I run the diffuser for the purpose of altering the smell of my home. The diffuser has a continuous and an intermittent 30 second setting. The diffuser will run continuously for 2.5 - 3 hours (5.5 hours if on the intermittent setting). I actually prefer the intermittent setting. So that it goes further.

  • Diffusing essential oils is typically cheaper AND better for you than a high quality perfume candle.

B & B (you know the one I'm talking about) - 3 Wick Candle (25-45 Hours)

  • Regular Price: $0.50-$0.90/hour
  • 50% Sale: $0.25-$0.45/hour
  • No health benefits

"Up North" company, starts with a Y-  Jar Candle (110-150 Hours)

  • Regular Price: $0.18-$0.25/hour
  • 50% Sale: $0.09-$0.12/hour
  • No health benefits

Young Living Home Diffuser (using the intermittent setting)

        Below are the oils that I would personally use at times to diffuse
        simply because they smell WONDERFUL!
  • Lemon: $0.03/hour
  • Citrus Fresh: $0.05/hour
  • Purification: $0.06/hour
  • Peppermint: $0.07/hour
  • Lavender: $0.08/hour
  • Stress Away: $0.10/hour
  • Thieves: $0.11/hour
  • Joy: $0.13/hour

  As you can see these oils are the best deal when it comes to making your home smell better.  However there are MANY health benefits each time you diffuse oils too!  I will post more in the blog about those soon.

Let’s consider what we are spending our money on…

I encourage you to really pray about how much money you spend on candles, air fresheners, cleaning supplies, body care products, and over the counter health products, many of which are toxic! All of those little purchases for each product you buy at your local grocery or drug store really add up, and most likely end up costing you more in the end! Just think about how easy it is to spend $20 or more in one trip to the store. When you think of that cost over several months’ time, it really adds up!

Essential oils, and products we can make from them, are simple and very easy to use. Essential oils are natural, safe when used correctly, and this is one reason I provide a reference book to all those purchasing the Premium Starter Kit from me.  Young Living Essential Oils are all natural, organic, and of course unlike some of the items mentioned about, they are non-toxic! I am using the oils to help support and maintain the wellness in my family’s body by supporting our the immune, respiratory, & digestive systems, maintain healthy hair, and help balance our hormones and  emotions  We also use them to support our muscles, bones, skin,  cardiovascular, and nervous systems!  

You can’t put a price on health.  Yet, our starter kit is really a price that most can afford, even if saving a couple of months is necessary.  And the truth is, the Young Living Premium Starter Kit is actually a pretty inexpensive way to make your house smell AMAZING and support your overall health and wellness.  I hope that you too are enjoying the benefits of these Young Living Essential Oils.  If you want more information in the future about these oils,  please message me from the links provided below. 

Praying you all have a Blessed day Oiling it In HIM,
DeAnna B Lovette

    And... the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. Ezekiel 47:12